7 mistakes even healthy people make...

Lara books speaking by referral or inquiry. Inquire about speaking for your venue, for actionable insights and contagious inspiration.

Lara accepts individuals into her group programs. Inquire about joining to shed weight, years and stress off your body—faster and lasting.

“After a hectic day, I noticed complete calm. That was terrific.”

Online Participant

“This wasn’t too trendy or too academic. It was intelligent, thought provoking, and timely.”

Corporate Participant

“Suddenly my clothes fit that hadn’t for years. My stomach’s gone. Its very successful.”

Individual Client

“Thanks—it will change my life.”

Seminar Participant

“This is important. I don't speak up at home. Now I will.”

Worksite Participant

“I want to thank you. This was different because it changed my life.”

9-Year Old Participant