7 mistakes even healthy people make...
Featured Press

“Mindfulness: A Swiss Army Knife for Life, by Lara. Overwhelmed by information overload? Underwhelmed or unfulfilled behind your devices? Or do you simply want to keep your mind sharp, body strong, and heart open? What if you could have a Swiss army knife for life: one main tool for many purposes... This metaphorical tool is called mindfulness training, or simply mindfulness...” –Mensa® Bulletin

“’I used to train with weights,’ said Lara. ‘I’ve been using Gyrotonic® now... and it feels good...’ Gyrotonic® had its beginnings in dance, and [the mat version] was originally called ‘dancer’s yoga’....” –NY Daily News

“’I take an African dance class three to four times a week. The fluid kicking and jumping moves have gotten my body in better shape than running ever did. –Lara’” –Self Magazine

“A semi-circle of chairs lled with eager adults.... Lara, lecturer, nutritionist... came packing answers... in Manhattan. ‘I wanted to create a fun, interactive program to get nutrition information out to people,’ said Lara... The four sessions give you the tools to implement this into your life....’” –SI Advance

“With the help of Lara, Anna was down 48 pounds by the time we met again.... ‘Going to see Lara... it keeps everything in perspective....’” –Weight Watchers

“I have requested a female trainer, and the Gods do not forsake me... I highly recommend raiding your piggy bank to pay for at least one session with someone like Lara.... Remarkable. So what made
the difference this time around?.... ‘No pain, no gain’ rhymes better but rings less true than ‘No enjoyment, no way I’m coming back....” –GQ Magazine

“A friend recommended Lara... ‘I like my clients to be aware of the way their body operates and how to connect with it [Lara said]. The change was striking: I couldn’t believe how my body was responding to the identical movement so differently....” –Mode

–Reebok Catalogue